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National Laboratory for Health Security

I. Invázióbiológiai konferencia


László Darányi

Darányi László

László Darányi is a retired employee of the Duna-Ipoly National Park. During his career, he worked as a gamekeeper for a hunting company for several years and then as a ranger for about four decades. He is well-known and respected for his work on large carnivores, particularly the lynx, which he has been tracking down in the Börzsöny mountain. He is now actively involved in the control of the invasive nutria that have increased significantly along the Ipoly River.

Dr. Krisztián Katona

Dr. Katona Krisztian

Krisztián Katona is associate professor at the Institute of Wildlife Management and Conservation of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences. His research focuses on herbivores’ foraging behaviour and the diverse effects of ungulate game species. He is involved in several projects on the monitoring and effects of the invasive raccoon, the raccoon dog and the nutria. He is currently managing a raccoon and a nutria conservation program.

Dr. Zsolt Molnár

Dr. Molnár Zsolt

Zsolt Molnár, botanist, ethnoecologist, scientific advisor of the HUN-REN Ecological Research Centre, head of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge research group. His main research interests are landscape history, landscape ecology, traditional ecological knowledge and conservation biology. The main objective of his research is to promote sustainable cooperation between nature and humans, through a better ecological understanding of the past and present of our landscapes, and through the knowledge, respect and use of the so-called traditional ecological knowledge of our ancestors and our generation.

Ferenc Sipos

Sipos Ferenc

Ferenc Sipos, an ecologist-biologist who has worked at the Kiskunság National Park Directorate for 26 years. In the course of his official work he has played a significant role in the development and administrative implementation of the conservation biological and nature conservation management strategies that determine the operation of the Directorate.