The primary research area of the National Laboratory of Virology at PTE is the broad investigation of so-called viral zoonoses transmitted from animals to humans. Our main field of interest covers the study of all known or Disease X category, yet unknown agents, from genomic studies to in-house available BSL-4 laboratory tests. In addition to the prevention of epidemics and detection of outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, our main research focus is on the ecology of arthropod vector organisms (such as biting mosquitos, ticks, black flies, sandflies) and the diseases they transmit. In addition to the monitoring of pathogens and vector organisms of relevance in our country, we are monitoring the spread of alien or invasive vector species (e.g. Hyalomma ticks, invasive Aedes mosquitoes) in Europe and assess the ecological and public health risks they pose (e.g. the emergence of new pathogens, their role in the dynamics of endemic pathogens). The group is a member of the European PRAGMATICK COST Action research network and represents Hungary in several international projects within the Aedes Invasive Mosquito COST Action, and we are leading several international collaborations in the field of invasive mosquito research. According to our research profile, we are involved in the research on invasive mosquitoes in close cooperation with the Mosquito Monitor Group within the Invasion Biology Division.