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Egészségbiztonság Nemzeti Laboratórium

Message box

Message box



Name: Gábor Markó


This event was greatly missed. I highly appreciated the efforts of the organisers to make it smooth and successful. A few taxa and topics were somewhat underrepresented, so future conferences might focus more on fungal (or other plant or animal) pathogens, pests, and the impact of invasive species in the agricultural landscape. I am interested in enhancing civil engagement in invasion biology and related studies. So, involving experts in communication and plant protection could also be beneficial as well. Finally, our community needs an active communication platform to share ideas and possibilities (useful tips, conferences, looking for partners in national/international consortiums, etc.).


Name: Jodey Peyton


This was a really excellent conference! I was really impressed with the amount of information that was shared in such a short time. I am very grateful to all the organisers for planning such a fascinating and useful event! I am based in Vienna and would love to talk more about collaborations on IAS, especially on horizon scanning!
Thank you!
PS I also thought the venue was excellent and the catering delicious!

Name: Nate


I felt very welcomed as a foreigner in Hungary, especially during this conference. The talks covered a broad range of topics that painted a rigorously scientific picture of the IAS issues in Hungary. Food was great (my first goulash!), and the discussions were very interesting.
I would recommend HUN-REN organised events to any of my colleagues!

Name: Herczegné Ghyczy Zsuzsa


Köszönjük, hogy részt vehettünk a rendezvényen! Nagyon élvezetes, inspiráló volt számunkra, és csak reméljük, hogy hozzátehettünk mi is valamit.
Egyetlen észrevétel: Sajnálatos, hogy az angolul perfekt nem beszélők ki lettek némiképp zárva az első két napról. Úgy gondolom, hogy a szakmai tudás, értékes tapasztalat és hogy ki melyik idegen nyelvet beszéli, két külön dolog.
Szinkrontolmácsolással áthidalható volna ez a probléma.


Congratulation to the organizer, it was a really good conference.
For the future some suggestion:
– it would be better to choose a place for conference, which could be reach by public transport (more ecofreiendly solution)
– it would be better to invite also animal vetenarist, hunters, people working in agriculture (etc. in plant protection) – there were some, but even more would be usefull.

Name: Piero


Very interesting meeting, great variety of skills and experiences, excellent organisation. If you are going to organise a second one, I suggest you aim at producing a final document, with some statements on possible ways forward, to be circulated to decision makers. Also, if you produce some numbers, you could also send a media release to newspapers and media to raise awareness on the issue. Last but not least, I suggest you organise an horizon scanning excercise, perhaps in a 1-2 days workshop before the conference.


Professional organization of the conference, excellent choice of keynote and other speaker’s themes, nice ambient. Very positive.



Name: Fabio


Excellent keynote speakers (a real strength), smooth organization, very nice location. My only suggestion is more balance between day 1 and 2. For us international – I could be nice a hike somewhere 😊

Name: Orsolya Valkó


In this message box, you can provide comments, opinions, suggestions related to any topic you find relevant related to biological invasions, one biosecurity or any other topic relevant to the conference.