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Egészségbiztonság Nemzeti Laboratórium

Program – 1. nap

2025. február 26. (angol nyelvű előadások)

8:30-9:50 Regisztráció

9:20-09:50 Kávészünet

09:50-10:00 Köszöntő – Garamszegi László Zsolt

10:00-11:00 Plenáris előadás – Philip E. Hulme: Why we need a One Biosecurity approach to One Health

11:00-12:00 – 1. szekció – levezető elnök: Lövei Gábor

Normál előadások

Sonkoly Judit: The role of garden centres and plant nurseries in alien plant invasions

Omer Ali: Climatic suitability direct and indirect effects on naturalization success of alien plants in Southern Africa

Katona Krisztián: Wild boar rooting impact on grasslands: how much could be too much?

Villám előadások

Balogh Márton Bence: Human impact on landscapes (land use change) as a driving force of biological invasion

Dickey James: The pet trade as a vector for non-native species spread: insights from Germany

12:00-14:00 Ebéd

14:00-15:30 – 2. szekció – levezető elnök: Garamszegi László Zsolt, Szentiványi Tamara

Normál előadások

Augustine Julie: Assessing the invasive risk of medically important mosquito species in Hungary with the TAS-ISK toolkit

Borza Péter: The trophic roles of invasive Ponto-Caspian mysids (Crustacea: Mysida)

Ruzzier Enrico: Improving SDM predictive performance for global invasive species: the Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) study case.

Biró Zsolt: Population biology parameters of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Hungary

Szentiványi Tamara: Urban adaptation, host behavior, and distribution affects the presence of Dirofilaria parasites: a phylogenetic comparative study of wild carnivores

Villám előadások

Szendrei Lilla: Significance of plant pathogen fungi “hitch-hiking” on imported tropical fruits to Hungary

Halassy Melinda: Reducing risks to human health by reducing invasion through ecological restoration

Kocsis Ivett: Impact of plant pollen on the early development of plant pathogen: Implications for agricultural health and food safety

Erdélyi Károly: Investigation of Flaviviruses in Invasive Mosquitoes in Hungary

Tholt Gergely: Exploiting the weirdness of aliens – how can you make a selective bait to catch invasive leafhoppers?

Pertics Botond Zsombor: Development of reliable and swift detection methods of wheat dwarf virus and identification of new virus reservoir grasses in Hungary

15:30-16:00 Kávészünet

16:00-17:30 Workshop – moderátor: Philip Hulme

17:30- Vacsora

19:00- Társasjáték